What makes Fay such a unique place to grow and learn? Partly, it’s our small class sizes, but mostly it’s because our students thrive in our connected community—a web of supportive adults who develop a deep understanding of each student’s needs.
Every student has a point person and a home base for checking in—from the homeroom classes in Primary and Lower School to Upper School
advisory, where students meet regularly in small groups with advisors.
The success of our program lies in our team approach, and faculty members work together across departments to support each student’s achievement.
Dorm parents consult with academic advisors to track the well-being of boarding students, for example, while classroom teachers work with the experts in our
Learning Services Department to help their students with specific learning needs. Our faculty have the opportunity to see each student in a variety of settings, in the classroom, on the playing fields, and in the dorm enabling them to develop a multi-faceted understanding of their strengths and needs.
Our collaborative model includes families, and teachers communicate frequently with parents—well beyond the regular, written progress reports—to make sure each student is positioned for success.